JavaScript to set scale point selections based on previous question scale points selection. | XM Community
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I have a simple matrix question with 4 scale points and one statement.!

The following matrix question has the same 4 scale points but has display logic set to display between 10 and 43 statements. I would like to set the selected scale points for each statement displayed to be the same scale points selected for the previous question. I would like the respondent to be able to edit these.!

I have tried to use code from 3 similar discussions with no luck. I haven't been able to find enough detail to try an embedded data option but I'm happy to try anything at this point. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Assuming you haven't recoded either question, you can do this:


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

var defaultAnswer = "${q://QID1/SelectedAnswerRecode/1}";

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" input[value="+defaultAnswer+"]").prop("checked",true);



Change the QID in the pipe to the QID of the first question. This should not be used in conjunction with the Previous button (i.e., clicking Previous on the next question would wipe out any changes the respondent made).
Hi @TomG Thanks for your reply, we cant seem to get the code you suggested to work. My colleague has set up a preview, are you able to please take a look and suggest what we might be doing wrong? We can provide the QSF if you need it. Thanks
> @Scagas said:

> Hi @TomG Thanks for your reply, we cant seem to get the code you suggested to work. My colleague has set up a preview, are you able to please take a look and suggest what we might be doing wrong? We can provide the QSF if you need it. Thanks

The code I provide was for a single select and you have a multi-select. Specifically, the pipe string for multi-select is different. Then it may be a comma separated list, so you'll have to parse it, then loop through the answers.
Thanks @TomG it works great for single! Do you have any sample code for what you described above? Thanks
Hi @TomG we have added this code and it parses to row 1 only. Any tips? Thanks


var numChecks = $(this.getQuestionContainer()).select('input[type="checkbox"]');

var numCols = 3;

var numRows = numChecks.length / numCols;

var map = {};

//Repeat for x rows in the matrix

map[1] = "${q://QID1/SelectedAnswerRecode/1}";

map[2] = "${q://QID1/SelectedAnswerRecode/2}";

map[3] = "${q://QID1/SelectedAnswerRecode/3}";

map[4] = "${q://QID1/SelectedAnswerRecode/4}";

map[5] = "${q://QID1/SelectedAnswerRecode/5}";

map[6] = "${q://QID1/SelectedAnswerRecode/6}";

for (var i = 1; i <= numRows; i++) {

//Get the recode values for row i

var rowValues = map[i].split(",");

//Loop through all the recode values for the current row

for (var c = 0 ; c < rowValues.length; c++) {

var val = parseInt(rowValues[c].trim());

//Select the current question's checkboxes corresponding to the recode values

this.setChoiceValue(i, val, true);



I'm not going to debug that. Try the following which is very similar to the single select code with a loop added and the selector changed:


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

var q = jQuery("#"+this.questionId);

jQuery.each("${q://QID1/SelectedAnswerRecode/1}".split(", "), function(i, val) {




Thanks @TomG we ended up using your code as ours didn't work when display logic was applied after all. Greatly appreciated!

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