Jquery fadeIn() not found | XM Community
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Hey ladies and gents,

I read jquery works in Qualtrics. I tried to use the fadeIn() function but the survey complains that fadeIn() is not a function.

I tried adding the jquery min to the header to correct for that in some jquery versions fadeIn() is not included, but this results in some other bunch of errors.

Could you help me out?


Hey @JanaJarecki ,

Unless the element is hidden, no fade will occur
Hello @JanaJarecki ,

jQuery fadeIn() function does work in qualtrics

Paste the following code in the js(onReady) of the question



So the above code will fadeIn the question text in four seconds.

Hope you are using correct selector(id or class) in jQuery
Hi Shashi,

hm, interesting, it indeed was the selector, thanks.

What I am left with is wondering why the Console complained fadeIn() does not exist. :D

Full solution (for future reference for other users):

## Hide and fadeIn() the current question##

after a delay of 2500 ms



jQuery("#" + this.questionId).hide();




var qid = "#" + this.questionId;

var delayms = 2500;

setTimeout(function() {


}, delayms);


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