Jquery: What is the ID for form field? | XM Community
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You have to append box Id in []

Something like

jQuery('#' + qid + ' .InputText')[0].setAttribute('placeholder',placeholder1);
You can also refer below code

Thanks for the speedy response! I tried the code in these ways

but the code becomes invalid when I do this and I made sure to define qid as this.questionId at the start of the code. Is there something else I should be doing?
Hello @mrl ,

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The text entry id is ``QR~QID24~1`` i.e QR~this.questionId~1, where 1 is the position of the input text. Also in JQuery we use this as `jQuery("[id='QR~QID24~1']").autocomplete({});`
> @mrl said:

> That's exactly it! it works perfectly now. Is there anyway to conveniently index the ID's of all the form field like this ``id='QR~QID24~[1:4]]").autocomplete``? I

Yes this is possible. Paste the following code in the js(OnReady) option of the question:

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").each(function(index){



Now in the above code we can use "index" variable to know which text entry is currently in the loop and the index starts from "0" to "2", if we have three input text.

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