keeping track of random text generated | XM Community
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what I wanted to do:
I have 24 questions that include three components: 1. A fixed language 2.a randomly selected image from a pool of 36, and 3. a randomly selected word from from a pool of 6 that would appear below the image.
For every question, I want to create a combination of random image and random word, and also keep track of the image and word used for that question. How should I do it?
I was able to do it with javascript + html trick to generate random text. But I couldn't figure out a way to 1. randomly select images and 2. keep track of the random selections (I heard I need to use embedded data but the online tutorial does not directly address what I need). Thank you very much.

You need to create 48 ED (24 for image and 24 from text as Image1, text1, Image2, text2.....)
In a dummy question at the very beginning of the survey, using JS you need to randomly set all the 48 embedded data(for image you need to set the image url in embedded data). Create a loop and merge block, add 2 columns as img url and text. Pipe the current loop and merge filed at specific places in the question.

keeping track of random text generatedHi, I guess I have difficulty figuring out the steps needed to set up embedded data in this context..could you elaborate? I have looked at the embedded data tutorial multiple times...

Using JS we need to set the ED

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