${l://SurveyLink} and ${l://SurveyURL} pipes don't work | XM Community
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I’m trying to create a survey that will stand in place of a two-person approval process. When one person finishes one block of the survey, it triggers an email to the next person who has to complete a second block (embedded data and a branch in the survey flow). That email will include a link back to the survey. 

I’m sure I’ll run into plenty of problems with this, if it’s even possible, but the big problem for now is that the fields  

  • ${l://SurveyLink?d=Take%20the%20survey}, and 
  • ${l://SurveyURL}

both pipe nothing. They are blank. The field ${l://SurveySessionID} returns a value, but the above two don’t. This happens whether I publish the survey or run it in preview. 

What might I be doing wrong? 

@WHG I do not think that those piped text work in other emails than invitation/distribution.

If you are using anonymous links, I do not see any chance to make this work.

For individual links I think you can try with standard embdedded data Q_DL (distribution link) or Q_URL. Might be that you need to define it in the survey flow first.

If the standard fields do not work, define some custom embedded data using JavaScript for the first question of the survey which stores the current browser URL in some embedded data. Use this embedded data then in your email.

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {
    var currentURL = window.location.href;
    Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('MyURL', currentURL);

Make sure to define MyURL in some embedded data block as first element of your survey.



Thanks for the input, @chackbusch 

Unfortunately I can’t send individualized links in this case. It needs to be initiated by an individual, some of them unknown in advance, at a random time. 

Docusign to the rescue!

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