Labeling troubles | XM Community
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My manager asked for me to make the survey questions look like this:


I can only get the questions to appear as this:


Can anyone help me with this?
Looks like the top question is set up like a matrix table where your second one is set up as a slider.

The question reads a little confusing to me with the stars because we typically see those when someone is assigning a ranking (how good was the food, etc) and it seems like you're actually looking for level of agreement.

If it were me, I'd put it in the matrix format (even if it's just one statement per question) and gently tell my manager that it'll be easier for the respondent to understand using normal buttons.

I'm sure there's other fine folks here who could help you do what you're looking for with custom code but when managing up, I always try to make sure that if something takes a lot more effort, the end result is worth it. Good luck!

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