I've noticed the horizontal multiple choice scale question option appears horizontally on computers, but vertically on mobile devices, which requires respondents to scroll to see the full question/response.
The NPS question seems to be the only 11-point scale question that appears horizontally on both the computer and mobile devices, and doesn't require scrolling. The NPS question is a good alternative, however the NPS questions has labels on the end points (0 and 10) that spread out across the rest of the scale.
It looks like a pre-set question type doesn't exist and this functionality requires a custom code, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to ...
- Adjust the NPS scale, so that the labels only appear above 0 and 10?
- Have a scale question that appears horizontally on mobile devices, with the end points labels right above the numbers?
- Have a vertical scale that doesn’t require scrolling on mobile devices?
Thanks in advance!