lack of response on a timed multiple choice question; how to skip the next block | XM Community
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Hi everyone,
I have a mulitple choice question that has a time limit/auto-advance and I need to skip the next block if a response isn't received before time runs out.
However, none of the skip/branch/display logics offer the option to do so if no response is received to a prior question. They only offer options dependant on one of the 4 multiple choice options being picked. Does anyone know a work around?
Thanks so so much!!

Add a branch logic to show the next block only if the selected count is greater than zero.

Ahmed thank you so much again : ) !!!
I can't seem to find the selected count.
Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 00.59.54.pngAm trying to find a work around using piped text for the number of scored items/ some custom JS that counts it or something similar. No luck so far.
Please let me know if there is a quick fix.
Thanks so so much!!

Happy to help.
Selected count is the number of options selected in the question. So, you won't find it in embedded data, you'll see in Question.


Ahmed you're a life save once again : )!!
I didn't realise there further options became availible once you select one of the response options in Question.
All makes sense now, think that was the last road block!
I should give you a credit on the survey : )
Thanks a million!!!

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