Language Change for Captcha Verification | XM Community
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I have a question about the language settings for the Captcha Verification question type in Qualtrics. I’m currently working on a survey available in several different languages and have confirmed that reCAPTCHA v2 supports each of these languages. However, I'm not sure how to adjust the language of the verification question in Qualtrics.

Any advice on how to change the language for the Captcha Verification question type in Qualtrics is appreciated.


Thank you!


Qualtrics auto translates text within captcha. For the question text it is same as adding translation for any other question type. 

Thanks for your response, Deepak. I’m not using Qualtrics' auto-translation feature for the survey.


Is it possible for participants identified as potential bots by Qualtrics to receive a captcha verification question (reCAPTCHA v2) before being able to proceed through the survey. If so, could you guide me through the process of integrating this into the survey? 






If I am understanding correctly, I believe enabling Bot Detection in survey options does this job.

I believe bot detection uses reCAPTCHA v3. I’d like to add reCAPTCHA v2 for participants with scores suggesting that they might be a bot. The main question I’d like help with is how can I change the language for the Captcha Verification question type in Qualtrics (taking into account that I didn’t use Qualtrics’ auto-translation feature)? I’m not very familiar with Javascript.


Thank you!

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