Likhert scale squashed on one side | XM Community
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One of the questions in my survey is a likhert matrix table. For some reason if a question is a Likhert one its squashed onto the left hand side (the next button is the center)
Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 15.22.09.pngThis occurs only for Likert questions no others.
How can I make it evenly spread across the screen like it appears to be in the builder and so the labels are more that one word every line:
Screenshot 2020-04-20 at 12.37.58.pngFYI i've tried various things but all I can seem to do is increase the width but this results in only the first 3 options being displayed and a slider at the bottom which I can move to see all the questions- the right hand side is still blank.
Thanks for your help


this occurs because the width of the screen where you display the questions is narrower in the preview design than in the survey editor. You can solve this with CSS code changing the width of the element where the questions are displayed. I think is the questioncontainer element

Thanks for your reply. Is there anyway to change this for this question only- i.e. in java script rather than CSS code in the look and feel? Or if you don't know can you give me an example of questioncontainer element width change?
Thanks for your help

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