Looking to create a form to schedule interviews, is this possible? | XM Community
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Hi all,

I'm a qualtrics noob and had a question about creating a form with dynamically linked options. So, I send out interview e-mails to college students. Because the students can't give me a straight answer, I'm chasing them down for weeks to book their interview. I'd like to send them a link to a form where they select the day and time they want to have the interview on, but some days the interviewees are not available, and other days they have specific time slots. Additionally, if a student selects a date/time slot, the next person that fills out the form can't select the same day/time.

I'm not a programmer, but I understand i might need to create a script or something to make the form dynamic. Currently I use Google forms but our students have multiple google accounts, and the form allows for multiple people to select the same day/time. Then I need to track down students who never check their e-mail.

Is qualtrics a possibility here? My school won't pay for any custom options, so I'm either using Google or Qualtrics.... or just doing this manually.

Thanks for reading!
Hi @hoeftjUMSL

Do all interview time slot span for same amount of time ?
You could assign a quota of 1 to each interview slot, then use display logic to only display time slots where the quota hasn't been met. This approach wouldn't require any custom programming.

It isn't 100% reliable because students filling out the form at the same time could sign up for the same time slot. However, it should greatly reduce the amount of overlap.
> @TomG said:

> You could assign a quota of 1 to each interview slot, then use display logic to only display time slots where the quota hasn't been met. This approach wouldn't require any custom programming.


> It isn't 100% reliable because students filling out the form at the same time could sign up for the same time slot. However, it should greatly reduce the amount of overlap.

your solution is will work , but won't the person require to create as many quotas as there are interview slot, For a day or a week it can be done but if it spans for a month or so this will become quite a large task and pen and paper solution might be better than using qualtrics here.

Yes it will require one quota per slot. It may be tedious, but it is pretty easy to copy and modify quotas. @hoeftjUMSL can decide if it is worth it.
Hellos Hoeft,

Adding somany quotas is difficult and need tracking and is not a good solution. You can add few time slots for each student in the contact list and keep them unique. Further in question pipe these time slot from dl. This way you have different slots booked for each student.
> @NiC_Ugam said:

> Hi @hoeftjUMSL

> Do all interview time slot span for same amount of time ?

They all have the same 30 minute timeframe (ie 12:30pm-1:00pm, 1:30pm-2:00pm, etc.)

> @TomG said:

> You could assign a quota of 1 to each interview slot, then use display logic to only display time slots where the quota hasn't been met. This approach wouldn't require any custom programming.


> It isn't 100% reliable because students filling out the form at the same time could sign up for the same time slot. However, it should greatly reduce the amount of overlap.


Thanks so much! I've begun working on this and it seems like it might be what's needed!

Thanks again! I don't mind editing the quotas, we publish interview e-mails once a month so it's not too much of a hassle.

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