Loop & Merge text field doesn't display | XM Community
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Hi everyone! I am using a loop merge field in a series of 100 blocks (a really complicated way to set it up, but the only way it made sense to me given that each block is 2 questions). Each block displays the text from a given field, example:
Is the prompt for the question.
I have the following javascript in each block recording the presented text in the output file:
var sentence = "${lm://Field/84}"; 
var orders1 = "${e://Field/Sentence}"+ "/" + sentence; 
 Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('Sentence', orders1);

The problem I'm seeing is that there is always 1 question that doesn't get displayed to participants during the survey. Note that this is not during a preview (I know that block preview seems to not work for LM). However, the output file will have the correct text. Given that the output file and the display text are taking from the same field (in this case, field 84) I'm not sure how one is working and not the other. Has anyone else experienced this issue in larger survey types?
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

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