Make hot spot exclusive | XM Community

Make hot spot exclusive

Userlevel 1

Hello all,
I am making a "hot spot" type question where people will have to select one rung of a ladder. I currently have a validation set so they can only move on once they've selected one, and only one run. I was wondering if there is a way to make the selection exclusive (like in multiple answer, multiple choice questions), such that if a participant selects one spot but then decides they want to select a different one, it will automatically deselect the other spot. Thank you!

2 replies

Badge +3

Thank you @Kara_C  and @Tom_1842 .

I have a similar problem of @Kara_C. I have already implemented the question with a validation of 
only 1 answer (only one heat map region) allowed. However, I would like to disactivate the multiple click option. 

Do you know any solution that force respondent to click and select only one region and disactivate the selection on the other one ? 

Unfortunately all the answers provided did not solve my problem.
Find attached a screenshot of what I aim to achieve. 

Thank you for your help

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

Hi there, if you still need, I responded to a post once about something similar. You might try using a Heat Map question type, defining the ladder rungs as the Regions, setting the number of Clicks to 1, and adding Validation so that the respondent can only proceed if any of the Regions are clicked into.

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