Making a choice from "Reusable Choice" list to be exclusive. | XM Community
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So when using "Reusable Choice" it seems to prevent the ability to change the setup of any of the choices. For instance say you want the "other" radio to be a specify in some questions but non-specify in others. I understand I can just create two and hide one in one case and hide the other in another. However, this affects randomization when you want a consistent randomization across all questions with the same list. Also there is no native way to make an option exclusive. it make sense that a reusable list would contain exclusives. Since there isn't a native way I was looking for help to create javascript, that would deselect all checkboxes in the same column when the "none of the above" option is selected in that column. I have tried using several variations of:
var qobj = this;
  jQuery("inputuname='QR~QID48~1~x11']").checked(() => {
    jQuery("#QR~QID48~1~x4").not(this).prop("checked", false);
Just to see if I can get a specific checkbox to uncheck and then I could manipulate the code from there, but this doesn't work. I even tried this from another question on the Community boards. But nothing seems to be working. I am sure I am calling something incorrectly, any help would be appreciated.

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