Making default radio buttons that are unclickable/unchangeable | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I am struggling making radio buttons with default choices that are unchangeable by the respondents. That is, I want to show respondents a matrix table with pre-selected radio buttons as "an example", so that the respondents can only see the default choices but cannot change them. I remember I saw some surveys that had grey default radio button choices I could not change... Is there any way I can do this in Qualtrics?

Thank you so much!
Hi @StudentA why not create this in a survey preview and grab a screenshot? You can then just insert the image.
@ClairJ Right! Actually, that is the way I have done it. I was curious if I could make it look little more formal by having those grey buttons... Thank you for your answer! 😀
I see. I hope someone chimes in then! I imagine this is do-able, but coding is not my forte.
This should do it:


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" input[type=radio]:not(:checked)").prop("disabled", true);


@TomG Thank you so much for the code! This works prefect. I have also received so much help from your other answers, so thank you for those as well!! 🙂

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