Making spaces between response options equal | XM Community
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Hello all,

I am working with a matrix question type and ran into a problem of unequal spacing between response options (see the pic below). How do I make the space between all response options to be the same?

Thank you very much in advance.

The issue is the length of the words in column labels. "Sometimes" overruns the space available so the column widths automatically adjust to accommodate it. There are various things you could try depending on your preference including:

- Reducing the font size

- Reducing the cell padding

- Reducing the width of the label column to allow more room for the answer columns

- Hyphenating long words

- Rotating the text
@TomG, thank you!

So, I am trying changing the width of the question label column, and it seems that with this change also changes the width of the whole table. So, if I am increasing the width of that column, the whole table width also increases. How do I adjust the width of the table in a way that a part of it is dedicated to equal spacing of response options (in my case, that would be 7 [the # of response options] multiplied by Width of "Sometimes" because "Sometimes" is the longest), with the rest of the space dedicated to the question label? Ideally, it would be great to be able to specify the width of the whole table to the width of the respondent's PC screen (for mobile devices, I am using a mobile-friendly version, so this table problem applies only to PCs).

Thank you again for your help!
> @AmandaLemmon said:

> @TomG, thank you!


> So, I am trying changing the width of the question label column, and it seems that with this change also changes the width of the whole table. So, if I am increasing the width of that column, the whole table width also increases. How do I adjust the width of the table in a way that a part of it is dedicated to equal spacing of response options (in my case, that would be 7 [the # of response options] multiplied by Width of "Sometimes" because "Sometimes" is the longest), with the rest of the space dedicated to the question label? Ideally, it would be great to be able to specify the width of the whole table to the width of the respondent's PC screen (for mobile devices, I am using a mobile-friendly version, so this table problem applies only to PCs).


> Thank you again for your help!

How are you changing the label column width? Are you dragging the column separator? Normally, if you drag the column separator then the column widths will readjust to fit in the theme, until you get to the point where it won't fit, then it switches to mobile accordion mode. The best way to see what it will actually look like is to preview the block.
@TomG, yep, that's exactly what I did...

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