Matrix Carousel multi-select- limit choices | XM Community
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Matrix Carousel multi-select- limit choices

  • 22 July 2024
  • 3 replies

I have a question set up to be a matrix table displayed as a carousel. The scale points are multiselect, but I want respondents to only be able to select up to 3 scale points. Can’t find a current functionality for this when a matrix question is in the carousel format, and with 14 statements would prefer overly complex custom validation.

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

hi @lucindarp28 , assuming you have 4 statements - a,b,c,d; along with 5 scale points with recode values - 1,2,3,4,5. For your every statement you can add a respective custom validation which says ‘a (recode) is equal to ^(?:[1-5])(?:,[1-5]){0,2}$’. Repeat this for all the statements.

here, ^(?:[1-5])(?:,[1-5]){0,2}$ is a regex which allows only 3 recode values between 1 to 5 and if its not followed then an error message will pop up (this can be of your choice, saved as the library message as well).



Badge +1

I’m having some issues implementing this, and am now getting an error message that won’t proceed even when answered correctly @omkarkewat

I am using the same logic you laid out with 9 statements - A-I; and 14 scale points - with the values recoded 1-14. Though I forgot to note, the 9 statements are carryforwards based on selected choices in a previous question. So though there’s a chance for a respondent to see all 9 statements they could also only see 3/9. Due to this I used “OR” rather than “AND”. For the regex I am using ^(?:[1-14])(?:,[1-14]){0,2}$ to fit my specifications.

To ensure I am properly explaining myself, I am not trying to limit a maximum of three statements per scale point, but a maximum of three scale points per statement. If you notice what I could be doing wrong here please let me know!


Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@lucindarp28 this is happening because you have used ‘OR’ operator. So it will check if any one of the statement is having less than or equal to 3 scale points and if yes, then it will move forward irrespective of other statement is having more than 3 scale points.

you’ll have to either go by the standard lengthy method of multiple custom validations for all the statements with various permutations and combinations or maybe try using a custom Javascript code (I’m not good at it).

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