Measuring reaction times without auto-advance | XM Community
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I am making an experiment that requires participants to make a judgement on a photograph. As a multiple choice question, they either press "F" for yes or "J" for no and after 10 seconds, the page moves onto the next photograph.
Though I am able to see whether they pressed "F" or "J", I am not able to see the time at which they pressed the key.
Is there something missing from the code? I'd really appreciate any help!
var that = this;
Event.observe(document, 'keydown', function keydownCallback(e) {
var choiceID = null;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 70: // 'F' was pressed
choiceID = 1;
case 74: // 'J' was pressed
choiceID = 2;
if (choiceID) {
Event.stopObserving(document, 'keydown', keydownCallback);
that.setChoiceValue(choiceID, true);

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