Mobile survey preview showing different information | XM Community

Mobile survey preview showing different information

  • 9 January 2024
  • 4 replies

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Dear all,

I have created a short JavaScript code that randomises some parts of the text shown to my respondents in a specific question. The randomization works fine but I am just struggling to understand why the mobile survey preview shows different information compared to the computer survey preview for the same question during a test. I always thought that the mobile version is supposed to present the exact same information/text as the computer version but just in a different format/view. I am attaching a screenshot to help visualise the issue. What am I missing? Thanks a lot in advance for your help. 


Best answer by TomG 9 January 2024, 18:17

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

The JavaScript that does the randomization is running in each html preview frame (desktop and mobile), so it is randomly picking different things. 

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Thank you for your reply. Will this be causing any issue in terms of data saving and reporting or is this something I should not worry about? One additional question: in case this is likely to create problems, should I work on a way to avoid the JavaScript running in each html preview frame separately?

Userlevel 7
Badge +27


Thank you for your reply. Will this be causing any issue in terms of data saving and reporting or is this something I should not worry about? One additional question: in case this is likely to create problems, should I work on a way to avoid the JavaScript running in each html preview frame separately?

It won’t cause any issues with your actual survey. It is a preview only issue.

If it is causing issues with preview that you want to avoid, the simplest solution is the turn off the script in the mobile preview frame.

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Thank you so much for the helpful answer. Appreciated!

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