I am designing a survey in qualtrics. A part of the survey requires that people view a pdf on the left side of the screen and then have the answer options on the ride side of the screen. I have been able to add CSS code to make sure that the scrollable PDF is inserted into qualtrics. But I can't seem to find a way to make the native answer layout allow these beside the question
This solution is perfect! Thank you very much! Do you know how I can remove the padding on the left and right side of the screen - for only these questions (not the entire survey). Its making it quite difficult to read the text of the pdf.
Thanks again!
You can include below CSS in HTML of the question. <style>
.Skin .SkinInner { display: inline !important;
} </style>
Amazing. Thanks @Deepak. I tried this code for the whole survey bit didn’t add it to the specific question before with the <style> formatting.
@Deepak, do you know why my progress bar may be causing issues? As soon as the survey goes to pages with custom code, the progress bar immediately skips to 80%
Not sure, but progress bar behaves like that when there is a skip logic or display logic which has skipped a set number of questions. Also, can you please mark it as resolved if the original question is answered.
Thanks @Deepak. Last question if you don’t mind. do you know how to add a bit more border back to the top and side of the survey here with the code you provided? Thanks
Try this:
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() { // Select the iframe and question container const iframe = document.querySelector("iframe"); const questions = document.querySelector("#Questions"); // Wrap the iframe and questions in a new container const layoutContainer = document.createElement("div"); layoutContainer.style.display = "flex"; layoutContainer.style.flexDirection = "row"; layoutContainer.style.gap = "20px"; layoutContainer.style.padding = "20px"; // Adds space inside the container layoutContainer.style.marginTop = "20px"; // Adds space above the container layoutContainer.style.marginLeft = "10px"; // Adds space to the left of the container // Set styles for iframe (left) iframe.style.width = "50%"; iframe.style.height = "100vh"; iframe.style.border = "none"; // Set styles for questions (right) questions.style.width = "50%"; // Move the existing elements into the layout container const parent = questions.parentElement; parent.insertBefore(layoutContainer, questions); layoutContainer.appendChild(iframe); layoutContainer.appendChild(questions); });