Multiple Choice Question - Want to show "?" with link to show more details about the question | XM Community
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I have a survey where I want to explain what the options in the "Multiple Choice" list.

Currently, I have a separate Text question below to show the extra verbage to help the user determine which branch of the survey to select.

But it would be nice if I could have a "?" or "i" link that could be next to the title of the question.

Any way Qualtrics can do that?

What I would like...


What I have:

Hello @JSwiez ,

This can be one of the easy way to do :

Change the option HTML as - `<span title="DESCRIPTION OF Bullying / Harassment Incident">DESCRIPTION OF Bullying / Harassment Incident</span>`

Eg:<span title="DESCRIPTION OF Bullying / Harassment Incident">DESCRIPTION OF Bullying / Harassment Incident</span>

You can add a text to the question as - Hover over option to know more details.

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