Need a Form to submit data which is then used in questions within the survey | XM Community
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Relatively new here, and need some help.

I need a survey which will accomplish the following:

I need to submit the following data:

Manager Name

Manager email

Contractor Name (used in the survey below)

Supplier Name

Hiring Manager Name

Labor Category

Start Date

End Date

From this information I need to drive the survey to manager asking 5 questions.

Did “Contractor Name” display the skills represented during the interview process?

Did “Contractor Name” performance met or exceed the expectations set forth in the assignment?

Was “Contractor Name” punctual and maintained an appropriate level of attendance?

If a future need arises to employ a contractor would you use this resource again?

All the above questions have 5 radio buttons

Strongly Agree

Moderately Agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Moderately disagree

Strongly disagree

The expectation is the survey will capture the data from multiple managers for hundreds of contractors as they complete their assignments.

So we need a form or something which can be filled with the 8 bits of information from above and the system will send the survey out to the manager.

For the data export I would need the 8 pieces of information above and the answers to the questions.

Anyone ever done this here?

Hi Steve- this can be done. Is there a particular part of this you are having issue with?

You should be able to use just set up the questions and use the piped forward information to get what you need here. The build of those questions should be pretty straightforward... unless you can let us know what's causing confusion.

You're saying hundreds of contractors- is that the issue? Just the volume? Distributing that many surveys?
Piped Forward Information? I am not sure how to do this. As I said I am new to this qualtrics and am trying to figure it out. I have set up the questions that part is easy, I am just not sure how to add additional fields for information which needs to be tied to the response.
You may want to start with some 101s on how to build participation lists and add embedded data:

So the manager is the one getting the survey. They are the panelist you care about. You are going to build a participation list in a spreadsheet that has their information as an individual row. For each manager, build a column for each Contractor they need to rate. This will save that information as embedded data. Uploading that extra information will save that info as "embeded data" for future use.

Now that the data is associated with your survey participants, you can "pipe text" from the embedded data into the survey:

Those links should help you with this specific request. But I also want to point out another resource. Qualtrics has on-demand training sessions that should help orient you to the platform as you are a new user:

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