Need assistance in resolving accessibility concern with 'Character remaining' text in Text entry question | XM Community
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I am facing an issue where the screen reader echoes the 'Character remaining' text after every character input, which is quite annoying for users. To address this, I tried implementing a solution to hide the 'Character remaining' text until the user enters 15 characters. While the solution partially works, it does not completely resolve the issue. I am looking for guidance on how to disable the screen reader from announcing or displaying the 'Character remaining' text from the first character input. Your assistance in resolving this accessibility concern would be greatly appreciated.


var qid = this.questionId;
var questionContainer = this.getQuestionContainer();
var inputElement = jQuery(questionContainer).find('textarea');
var reminderElement = jQuery('#QID616-RemainingChars');


inputElement.on('input', function(){
var characterCount = inputElement.val().length;

if(characterCount >=15){;
reminderElement.attr('aria-atomic', 'false');
reminderElement.attr('aria-live', 'polite');
} else {;
reminderElement.attr('aria-atomic', 'true');
reminderElement.attr('aria-live', 'off');

@TomG : Do you have any suggestion on this?

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