Need help aligning "top" for answer choices (rather urgent) | XM Community
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So here’s my current survey, where respondents have to choose a preferred paragraph explanation: 

But I want the paragraph on the right to be aligned to the top, so that it is on the same horizontal level as the left paragraph. 

I tried inputting several CSS but it doesn’t seem to be working so I had to ask for help.

I also want to do the same thing for a “side-by-side” question I had:


Could anyone share some advice? It would be greatly appreciated

Is this an image or your question text?

If it’s a question text then just see if there’s an extra spacing by going through HTML view in question text space.

If it’s an image then just change padding or crop your second image and move it up using padding or other factors. You can also try Chatgpt to help you with your css.

Let me know if you need any help with that!


For the first, you didn’t provide much information.  I’m guessing it is a MC question with horizontal alignment and label position vertical.  If that the case, the use this CSS:

.Skin label.MultipleAnswer.LabelPositionBELOW, .Skin label.SingleAnswer.LabelPositionBELOW { align-items: flex-start; }

For the second (SBS), use this CSS:

.Skin .SBS thead th {vertical-align:top;}



For the first, you didn’t provide much information.  I’m guessing it is a MC question with horizontal alignment and label position vertical.  If that the case, the use this CSS:

.Skin label.MultipleAnswer.LabelPositionBELOW, .Skin label.SingleAnswer.LabelPositionBELOW { align-items: flex-start; }

For the second (SBS), use this CSS:

.Skin .SBS thead th {vertical-align:top;}


Tom, thank you for the help. Yes, I forgot to mention that the first one is a MC question, you are correct.


For the SBS question, it worked perfectly. Thanks! Here is what it looks like now:


However, the CSS for the first MC question doesn’t seem to work as the answers are still not horizontally aligned at the top:

I basically just copy pasted the CSS that was provided:

If you have any other suggestions, that would be greatly appreciated!


Is your MC formatted as horizontal and label position vertical? What layout are you using?  Can you post a public block preview link to your MC question?

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