Need help with CSS code for displaying outer border when tabbing in Matrix table question with dynamic theme | XM Community
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Can someone assist me with the CSS code to display an outer border when tabbing through a Matrix table question in Qualtrics with a dynamic theme? I'm having difficulty achieving this.



To display an outer border when tabbing through a Matrix table question in Qualtrics with a dynamic theme, you can use CSS to target the table and add a border style. Here's an example code snippet that you can use:

/* Add an outer border to the Matrix table when tabbing through */
.Qualtrics .QuestionBody .MatrixTable {
  outline: none; /* Remove default outline */
  border: 1px solid #000; /* Add outer border */
  padding: 10px; /* Optional: add padding to give some space around the table */

Make sure to replace #000 with the desired color code for the border. You can customize other CSS properties like border width, style, color, and padding as per your requirements.

To apply this code to your Qualtrics survey, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Look & Feel" section of your survey.
  2. Click on the "Advanced" tab.
  3. In the "Custom CSS" text area, paste the above code snippet.
  4. Save the changes and test your survey.

Thanks @Shivamvig_sv : But for some reason when I tab i’m still not getting the outer border

Thanks @Shivamvig_sv : But for some reason when I tab i’m still not getting the outer border

Can you share code snippet you have been using through

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