NPS/Question label positions | XM Community
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Hi Everyone
I hope I have posted in the right area. We have an NPS question with labels for 1 and 10 only - 'Poor' and 'Very Good'. My problem is that the labels don't sit over 1 and 10 as intended, but sit out to the far left and right, with Very Good sitting over N/A. I've listed below the various code used to achieve the current layout - are we going about this the right way?
Desktop preview:
image.pngMobile preview:
image.pngWe've used the above layout to ensure the rating fits to mobile screens horizontally rather than vertically, which has been an issue with a previous matrix likert layout, as well as avoiding a horizontal scroll bar:
User: image.png
JS to change numbers from 0-10 to 1-N/A:
/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/jQuery("#"+this.questionId+"-0-label").html("-5");

I've searched and tried various things without luck so would really appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance.

I have found a way to do this. Please ignore.

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