NPS Question - Styling | XM Community
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Hi Everyone, hope you’re all well?

Is it possible to add styling to the NPS question?

For example, I use this CSS to add a grey box behind another question.

#QID70 .QuestionText {
padding: 25px !important;
border-radius: 10px !important;


Can I do something similar for my NPS question that currently looks like this?



Thanks as always! 👊

Hello and good afternoon from a sunny Sweden!

If you go to “Look & Feel” > Background and set the “Question Container” to “On” it should hold the question in a white container. However, if you have additional questions on the same page, all questions will be in the same container. 

This might be impacted with Javascript, but I don’t know any so I can’t help with that unfortunately. 


All the best



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