Only show pop up if validation is met? | XM Community
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I would like to show participants a pop up if their answers to two questions are the same. I have found the code for a pop up (I have pasted this at the end of the question) which I have used but currently is shown to all participants.

Participants answer 2 allocation questions, in the second question the custom start position is their allocations from the first one. If they leave this unchanged, I would like to have a pop up as shown in the second screen shot. If they make changes, I do not want this pop up to appear.





const that=this;


var btn = jQuery('<div id="Buttons"><input id="CustomButton" class="NextButton Button" title=" Next " type="button" name="NextButton" value=" Next " aria-label="Next"></div>')


jQuery('#CustomButton').on('click', function(){

var txt;

var e= jQuery("[id='QR~QID1']").val()

var r = confirm("Reminder: This is the allocation for bread products WITH a PGI, if you would like to change your allocation press cancel, if you do not want to change it press ok "+e); //design your question here

if (r == true) {


} else {




Thank you in advance!
hi @ChloeM ,



above code can be used to show/hide the Next Button.

For further javascript reference you can use this link

Inside your click handler, you need to compare the answers of the two questions, then only execute the confirm if they are the same.

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