Personal survey link management | XM Community
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I am building a diagnostic survey that is only sent to one individual at a time, as they are requested. With the CRM platform we're using, seemingly the best way to manage this is to simply generate a link to an individual survey one at a time in Qualtrics, and include this in a templatized email via the CRM system using the workflow we've set up.
Is there a good way to do this with Qualtrics without having to assign personal links to specific contacts? What I really want is to just be able to generate a personal link with an ID number (the code included in the URL itself would be fine), and attach that ID number to a real person stored in a system outside Qualtrics. Possible? What settings would I choose?

You could do the following:

  1. Create a Qualtrics contact list with all the CRM ID numbers as the ExternalDataReference

  2. Set your survey to allow anonymous responses

  3. Add an Authenticator to the survey flow and pre-fill the ExternalDataReference

  4. Use the anonymous survey link and append the ExternalDataReference as a url parameter.

Okay, I understand how that would work in general. Unfortunately it kind of defeats the purpose of what I was trying to accomplish, which was to not store any PII for the survey recipients inside the survey platform. Also, it looks like I have to select only one user who is able to authenticate via the Authenticator, but I might be looking at that wrong. I'll take a look at the help on that.
Ultimately I think the SSO is the way I probably want to go, but I have to figure out where the central authentication system would live and be populated.

Hi Trigrman,
Can you create a list of unique dummy email addresses (,, etc.) to generate the Personal Links with, attach the links to each record in your list outside of Qualtrics, and pull the ID number from each URL?

Trigrman said:

Okay, I understand how that would work in general. Unfortunately it kind of defeats the purpose of what I was trying to accomplish, which was to not store any PII for the survey recipients inside the survey platform. Also, it looks like I have to select only one user who is able to authenticate via the Authenticator, but I might be looking at that wrong. I'll take a look at the help on that.

You would only need to store the CRM IDS on Qualtrics.
An Authenticator is specific to a Contact list, not an individual.

Using this feature in Survey Options may accomplish what you need?

Here's another option in customized end of survey:
*(pardon my wavy line! Promise I'm not day drinking 😉

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