personalized e-mail: how to format embedded field | XM Community
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Hello, I have the following scenario:
I have a survey with several questions, and after survey completion, I want to send the respondent an e-mail containing very specific, personalised content. This content depends on which answer options the respondent has selected in the different questions.
Example: Let's say, I have two questions:

  1. Which option do you like better? Options: a - This option a; b - The other option b

  2. Do you use one of these? Options: c - A car; d - A bike

The respondent should now get one message per answer option: If they selected options a, b and c, they get one text block for each of these in the e-mail.
I have been able to achieve this, following this thread, by generating embedded data fields based on the selected answer options. The value of these embedded data field is the text of the message that should be shown to the respondent. I should mention, that currently, the message texts are question texts that are never shown to the respondent because this way I can format the value of the embedded data fields (e.g., add bold text and hyperlinks).
However: If I now add an email task ( and include the embedded data fields, I have the problem that there is alway a gap wherever an option was not selected and the corresponding message therefore is not shown:
grafik.pngI have not been able to completely remove theses whitespaces by changing the question texts which provide the text for the embedded data field that is displayed in the e-mail.
So here's my two questions:
  1. How is it possible to use the above procedure and to be able to format the e-mail? In particular, how can I get rid of the whitespaces in the e-mail?

  2. Is there a better and more elegant option for pre-defining the message texts, instead of using question texts in questions that are invisible to the respondent?

Thanks for your input!

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