Pick, Group, and Rank | XM Community
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I'd like to change "Items" in Pick, Group, and Rank question to a new word. I'm using this code, but I would also like to change color of this word to green text as well. Could you let me know any code needed to add? Thank you very much.
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" div.Items h2").html("Issues");

Add this to your question HTML:

To change other text properties such as italics, underline etc. Just add them inside the two curly braces. Look up the properties here.

ahmedA It didn't work. Can you help me please where I put it wrong? I change "items" to "issues" and make it green, but this code below doesn't work. Thank you!
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" div.Items h2{ color: green;} ").html("Issues");

Add the earlier snippet to the QUESTION HTML. Read here how to do that.

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