Picture Gallery Option in Qualtrics? | XM Community
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Hey there,

I am wondering whether it is possible to include a "picture gallery" into the Qualtrics survey? I want the participants to be able to click through a set of pictures via (left and right) click options on the picture screen. Essentially, it is supposed to be like on a shopping site, where I can look at a certain product picture and than via the arrows (left and right) navigate through the pictures provided. Does this feature exist? In my case it would be a lot better if the participants did not have to scroll through, to see the pictures.
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Do I just copy the CSS (Step 2) and Java Script (Step 3) part into the HTML section of Qualtrics as well or how is this added?
So I found the interfaces where to add CSS (Design -> Style -> Custom CSS) and Java Script (gear wheel on the left next to question -> Add Java Script) and inserted the relevant code.

Now I have the problem, that I can not insert the images into the space in the HTML code. Adding pictures seems to only be possible via the rich content editor function but when I use this function the code does not show and I cannot insert an image into the required space.... I tried by just copying the name of the png from the image library in the hope Qualtrics would make the connection but it does not work. Any suggestions on how to solve this issue?

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