Piped survey responses bring html formatting with them | XM Community
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I have some bolded key terms in some response options. At the end of the survey, I have a summary of responses that is populated using piped data. Here, I do not need those key terms to be in bold but the piped response brings the formatting with it. Is there a way to override this? For different reasons, I can not embed data or add branching midsurvey. I've tried overriding it by enclosing it in a <div font-weight="normal"> tag but no luck there. Other ideas?
You can enclose your piped text within html tags if this is happening.
@bansalpeeyush29 Could you please describe in more detail? I have tried some html coding but I haven't figured out exactly what to enclose it in to override the formatting. Thank you.
So like if you want to bold it than going to html editor write like `<b> your piped text </b>`
@bansalpeeyush29 Thank you, but I don't think you are understanding my question. The survey response option that I am piping in has bold in it already to emphasize a key word in the original survey question. I want to eliminate the already bold text within the piped text when I show it later, but Qualtrics is bringing that formatting along.
Refer post below, you can do manually in rich content editor also

Hello @Nadaly ,

Assuming you have a descriptive text question for your summary.

Add the following code in the js(OnReady) of that summary question


The above code will remove all the bold effect in that page.
@Shashi Thanks for the suggestion but this did not work for me either!

You have to remove it with JavaScript or CSS. There are a number of different ways to make text bold in html. How you remove it depends on how it was put there in the first place. You'll need to inspect the code to determine how it needs to be removed.

There is a good chance it is in a `<strong>` tag. In that case, you can add this to your Question Text html:



strong { font-weight: normal; }



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