Piped text - exclusion of option | XM Community
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I'm creating a self-assessment tool in the form of a survey. I've used piped text to summarise responses and am asking for further comments on these responses.

The questions are organised into categories and each question has 4 possible choices, one being 'this does not apply'. The piped text question lists all responses within the categories, however I do not want the 'this does not apply' responses to be displayed. How can I display all responses within the category and exclude the 'this does not apply' responses.

An basics example is:

_Category: Health

Health Question 1: Select a statement that reflects your exercise routine

Response 1: I do some exercise once day

Response 2: I do some exercise once a week

Response 3: I do some exercise one a month

Response 4: The statement do not apply

Next question on Health

Piped text question: Provide an example of your responses

Response to Health Q1

Response to Health Q2

Response to Health Q3_

If response 4 for any question is selected I do not want it to be displayed in the piped text question.

Hello @HelenC ,

You can use branch logic, and pipe in the selected answer in it, and then use this embedded data to pipe in.

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