Piped text in E-mail body (XM Directory task) | XM Community
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I have a workflow with XM Directory task.

In the e-mail body, the standard survey link shown is as below:

${l://SurveyLink?d=Take the Survey}

I have 2 embedded fields that I would like to append as query string to the above link. The embedded fields query string is :



I want the text : Take the Survey to be displayed and the link attached to it. So the user can click on Take the Survey and the survey opens with these parameters passed.

I have been struggling to achieve this. Also note that QDesc can have blank spaces within value.

Kindly help.



Neha Tank

One of the way is to use anchor tag and survey url pipe in the email template as shown below:

<a href=”${l://SurveyURL}&QDesc=${e://Field/Quote_desc}&QNo=${e://Field/Quote_No}”>Take the Survey</a>


This is how it is currently considering if I use the link button. But in the e-mail, the text doesn’t get the value of QNo and DDesc parameters. However, it worked for me when I did the following:

With this I used format=urlencode for the parameters as one of them had whitespaces. Now it is working fine. Thanks for your support.

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