Piped values from previous question for Custom Start in Constant Sum question? | XM Community
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I have a series of bar-format constant sum questions with different forced totals. I would like for the values respondents enter for the first question to be the custom start points for the next question.
In more detail, they are first given a budget of 1,000 tokens to distribute across different areas, and then their budget is decreased to 800 tokens so we can see where they choose to divest from. I want the bars to start in the same position as their previous answer so they can just drag it down.
Does anyone have any ideas for how to accomplish this? Thanks in advance!

On the second question, add default choices and pick the corresponding choice in the first question for each bar.

TomG this worked, thank you! However, because answers over 800 aren't "valid" in the second question, when it populates the responses from the previous question it randomly deletes the first few values so that it will equal 800. Can you think of any way around this?

Change the default choice pipes into math expressions that are 80% of the original number. For example:
$e{ q://QIDxx/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/1 * 0.8 }
Where QIDxx is the QID of your 1st question. You'll have switch the first question from "Bar" to "Choices" to set it up, then switch it back to "Bar" after you've got the default choices set.

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