Piping answers using the retake link (daily survey) | XM Community
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Is there a way to show different blocks on different days while also piping previous answers across them? I have my Baseline and daily survey (Day 1 ... Day 30) in 1 survey because I need to pipe up to 8 answers from the Baseline (prior to Day 1) into the daily component (Day 1 ... Day 30), and then an additional 3 answers every day, totaling up to 95 answers piped from Day 29 to Day 30.
Try 1: Using the retake link (not deleting old info) with the embedded data field: currentDate = ${date://CurrentDate/Y}${date://CurrentDate/m}${date://CurrentDate/d}.

  • This approach does not appear to allow answers to be piped across dates. They simply do not show, even if they are input as embedded data fields in the XMDirectory, and/or as embedded data fields in survey flow.

Try 2: Using the retake link with no dates, add all possible answers to XMDirectory as embedded data fields.
  • This corrects the above issue but with a cost: participants now see all previously answered questions with their answers prefilled. Using display logic: Q_URL does not contain Q_R acts similarly to the currentDate attempt, participants do not see the old questions but their answers do not pipe to the blocks of questions attached to display logic Q_URL contains Q_R.

  • This is a long survey (not my design), even if I could get the autoadvance timing question to work, I would have to add it to each individual question with display logic once the participant completed that section because the team wants participants to only see 1 question at a time. *Tried this, didn't work anyway.

Qualtrics Support (spoken to 3 people on 3 different occassions) seems as stumped as I am and has recommended I simply allow participants to see all of their old questions and answers prior to taking the new set of questions. Given that the Baseline is quite long and the daily survey has ~40 questions per day, this is simply not doable. I tried JavaScript for the Q_R code but it didn't work for me... I've read that Qualtrics really isn't equipped to handle this but my team refuses to move to a different platform so I'm not sure how to proceed.

Hi Viki -
Am I correct in assuming that:

  1. You want participants to not have to see questions they've answered before.

  2. You want their previous answers in the form of an answered Qualtrics question for the sake of using the reporting tool.

And is there any way that the survey would have fresh unanswered questions *followed by* answered questions we'd want to skip?

You can auto advance using JS.
Set the embedded data 'isAutoadvance' = 1 at the start of the survey and reset it to 0 before the block from where you want your respondent to answer the question.
Write the JS code in header which will read an embedded data (isAutoadvance). If 1 it will auto advance else stay on the page.

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