Piping the Highest value choice of a Constant sum question, when the highest value option is an Open ended question | XM Community
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Hi Everyone!!

I have a constant sum question (q9) asking people to input the % of the savings they have in each account or bank they use.  This question has 2 Other options (for banks not displayed in the pre-coded list ), with "allow text entry" so they can put the name of their bank if it's not listed / pre-coded.    In the next question (q9b) I’m asking the reason why they choose to put the highest proportion of their savings in the bank this input the highest proportion. Quatrics allows to pipe the highest value option of Q9 in the next question (Q9b) but as explained I have an “Other” option with “allow text entry”.  If OTHER with allow text entry is selected as the highest value I would like the entered text in Other to show as piped text, instead of “Other”.  

Any JS or suggestions to do this? 


If you’re interested, the csRanks function does this.

@TomG Hi TomG.  Thanks for your help.  I just entered csranks.  What is the fee to have the function?



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