Pop up window | XM Community
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Hi, I want to do the following, and wondered if any one has thoughts on it?

1. A button that allows me to click on

2. A pop up with a graphic when I click on it

I solved 1, 2, but not the problems are

1. It briefly shows the graphic before I click the button. (Not supposed to see it before I click on the button)

2. I need data on 1) when people click on this button 2) when people close this popup. 3) when people leave this page... how can I do that?

Thanks a lot!!
So just to recap, you've got a button that creates a pop-up when you press it? You have three questions:

1. How to stop the pop-up from being shown before the button is pressed

2. How to track when the pop-up is closed

3. How to track how long a person stays on the page

Assuming you are using this within a Qualtrics survey, you can use a timing question to solve your third question.

For your first question, I don't know the answer but you'll want to post your code for the coders to help you.
Hi Jen,

Thanks for the response. This is the code I have:


{jQuery("[id*='dialog']" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false});

// jQuery('body').on('click','.ui-widget-overlay',function(){ jQuery("[id*='dialog']").dialog('close'); });

jQuery( "#btn1" ).click(function() {

jQuery("#dialog").dialog( "option", "modal", true );

jQuery("#dialog").dialog( "open" );});

I want to track

1. When do people click on this button (btn1)

2. When do please close the popup.

3. And also control where to display this pop up - want it at a specific location.



I also want to know how to set specific location for this auto popup code - I want it to be displayed at the specific location of the page..


{ jQuery("[id*='dialog']" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false});

var delayTime = 3000; //This is the time of delay

setTimeout(function(){jQuery("[id*='dialog']" ).dialog({ autoOpen: true})}, delayTime);


Thanks a lot!!!!
Hi @Qualtricshelp can you maybe explain to me how you made that button and image pop-up? I need the exact same thing, but I'm new to Qualtrics, javascript and html, and I do not know where to properly save my images such that it works.

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