Present a list of words in several columns? | XM Community
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I have a couple questions on how to add some custom code for my survey. I already added som JS code which I have specified below, and I am using the question type "Pick, Group and Rank".

  1. Wish to add a "Delete group" box next to the "Add group" box that is already there. By clicking the box, the box that was added last will be removed.

  2. I wish that the list of items that are in the row to the left are gathered in several columns instead of in one long list. More specifically, I would like there to be around three rows or so, to make it easier to get an overview.

  3. Related to the question above: I wish that objects that are paced in a box to the right are organized in two or three columns, possibly following the same rule as above. This is, again, to make it easier to get an overview of the words in each box. I am also open to other suggestions on how to solve this issue.

Here's the survey question:
This is the current HTML code:

And JS code:

jQuery("#btn").on('click',function(){ jQuery("div.Group:eq("+parseInt(parseInt(jQuery("div.Group:visible").length))+")").show();
Thanks in advance for any input on this!

Just a clarification: In the first question, I meant to say "...By clicking the box, the group that was added last will be removed."

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