Presenting teachers student names with low, average and high test scores (estimated on a previous question) | XM Community
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Dear all,

In a survey we are trying to show teachers the name of the student they estimated to be the lowest, average or highest performing students in their class. In short:

  • Teachers estimate student future test scores on two tests (in a side by side matrix)
  • We score the total score for both tests with the scoring option.
  • In three subsequent blocks we want teachers to answer some questions about the a) lowest, b) average, and c) highest performing students (judged by the teacher).

Students can reach a minimum score of 2 and a maximum score of 10 on the tests. With Qualtrics it is only possible to show the names of all students who scored a certain score on one of the tests. However, I wonder wether it is possible to use javascript to use the scored test score (of both tests together) and show teachers the name of one student with the lowest, average, and highest score. Note that, if more students received the same scores, we want to show one name (so either random or the first name in the list). 

Moreover, if this is not possible with javascript, is it possible to show just one name instead of the full list of names for the lowest, average and highest scores on one of the tests?


Thank you in advance, and let me know when you need more information to answer my question!

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