Preserving newline characters in text from web service | XM Community
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I have an old experiment that grabs text using a web service, and then pipes it in to some questions. My text has carriage returns and newlines in it. Inspecting the raw data transmitted by the web service, it looks correctly formatted, e.g.


“Note that in this experiment, white, grey, and black are considered “colors”.\r\n\r\nYou will also be able to provide more information to us”


This worked for a long time, but sometime in the past couple years something changed and now the \r and \n are no longer being respected: I just get one block of text. I know that this worked before because I have screenshots that show everything correctly formatted. 


Did Qualtrics change the way it parsed this? Or did something else change? I feel like I noticed recently that copy/pasting text with newlines into the basic Qualtrics question editor no longer respects them (I now need to open the rich content editor in order to preserve them). I’m wondering if this change is linked?

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