I have a map question in my Quatrics survey, using Google Maps JavaScript API. By default the "roadmap" map appears, but I want people taking the survey to have the option to switch to the “satellite” map. When I switch to the satellite map I get a message saying that there are no images available for that location, but that is not true.
I copy the code I am using below. When entering this line:
mapTypeId: 'satellite',
I have managed to get it to display the “satellite” map for a second, but then it disappears and displays the message that there are no images available. The 'roadmap' option still works fine.
I have this code in the header section:
<script async src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=quarterly&key=MY_API_KEY"></script><script src="https://unpkg.com/qualtrics-google-map-lat-long@2.0.1/dist/QualtricsGoogleMap.min.js"></script>.
Where it says "MY_API_KEY", I put my key.
And this code in the map question:
/*Place your JavaScript here to execute when the page loads*/.
initGoogleMapsQuestion(this.questionId, this.getQuestionContainer(), {
// Map Options, set these! See Map Options in Option Documentation Section
options: {
center: {lat: -46.05, lng: -72.1833333333,},
zoom: 9,
mapTypeId: 'satellite',
// Marker Options, set these!
markers: t
// First Marker
// See Marker Options in Option Documentation Section
options: {
title: "Marker 1",
draggable: true,
label: "1",
I remain attentive to your comments.