Problem with statements appearing in only selected carry forward | XM Community
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Hi all,

I a quite new to Qualtrics but I hope you can help me solve an issue I am facing. 

I am asking first in a multiple choice question respondents to select what statements they find releveant. In a follow-up question I want them to score the selected statements based on their importance. What I do is to carry-forward the selected choices to a slider question, and set the number of statements to 0. However, despite constantly setting the number of statements to 0, it works for a bit, but then, automatically, some not selected statements appear again. I keep setting it to 0 but the issue keeps persisting. Here is a screenshot of what happens. 

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!



It seems you previously had statements in the question. I would recommend deleting and creating a new question if survey isn’t live and including carry forward in new question and do not type anything in statements it will automatically have correct number.

Hi @Deepak,

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I tried, sadly it still happens, but instead of the previous statements that I had, now it keeps reapearing the “click to write choice 1”, even if I try to set them to 0. Any suggestions? Thanks again.



Try contacting Qualtrics Support!

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