Protecting displayed text | XM Community
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I've been asked if we can carry forward responses to a second screen where we "re-ask" information. Example: What is your address?

If a respondent provides some of the info, we would ask again, differently: ......can you provide a cross street if you can't remember the exact address. On the second screen, I have filled in the information provided from the first (see screen shot)

QUESTION: Is there a way to protect their answers on the second screen so that they cannot edit them on the second screen? (right now, based on the screen shot, they can).

If it were me, I'd just have it be a second question with only the cross street shown, or a second question with text piped into the description instead of in the question itself.
> @jpardicusick said:

> If it were me, I'd just have it be a second question with only the cross street shown, or a second question with text piped into the description instead of in the question itself.

So would I, but alas, I am just following would that be a "no", can't be done?
@Terri_Z I can't think of a way to do it but there may be a custom code solution.
I wrote the following, because I've hidden responses before, but am not sure what to call the text box. I piped in the answer as suggested, just want to get rid of the box so they can't change it.......will this work and what would the ???? be called?

var city = "${q://QID107/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}";

if (city >0){


if I pipe in text into a text form response, is there a way to protect it? So it would just be there for reference? Client doesn't want it in the form description, but in the text box. Any help would be appreciated!
> @Terri_Z said:

> if I pipe in text into a text form response, is there a way to protect it? So it would just be there for reference? Client doesn't want it in the form description, but in the text box. Any help would be appreciated!

You can use JS to make an input field readonly. Something like:


jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").each(function() {

var input = jQuery(this);

if(input.val().length > 0) input.prop("readonly", true);



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