Putting a border around a matrix table | XM Community
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I have cobbled together a code to put a border top, left, and right of a matrix table. How do I add a bottom border? Thanks in advance. Here is what I am using:

 var jfe = false;
    if(/^\\/jfe/.test(window.location.pathname)) jfe = true;
    var q = jQuery("#"+this.questionId);
    if(!jfe || (jfe && q.find('div.desktop').length > 0)) {
       q.find(" .Answers").css("border-bottom","2px solid #104F8F");
 q.find(" .Answers").css("border-top","2px solid #104F8F");
       q.find(" .c1").css("border-right","2px solid #104F8F");
  q.find(" .c8").css("border-right","2px solid #104F8F");
 q.find(" .c1").css("border-left","2px solid #104F8F");

You can use this CSS to borders to the table:

Worked perfectly. Thanks!

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