Putting "slider" type of question into a matrix? | XM Community
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I am using the slider type of question in a survey.

When designing the question it shows up all nice, like a matrix as in this photo


However, it is not displayed in the live questionnaire as an actual matrix, but instead, in rows with headings above, like here


So this way the questionnaire becomes rather "bloated", as in, with a lot of white unused space. This is not very ideal. It would be much greater to have the sliders in a matrix kind of table, where on the left you have the words (e.g. cat dog turtle) one in each row, and next to them the sliders.

This is normally possible with likert scale kind of questons, however, not with sliders.

So what I would like is this picture below, but instead of likert scale sliders.


Is this possible somehow?
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