Random Insertion of Stimuli in Pair | XM Community
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So I have 20 total stimuli (images) in my survey. I have one question where I ask respondents to examine a pair of stimuli at the top of a list then go through a scrolling list of the other 18 stimuli and determine whether the pair of designs at the top (Design A and Design B ) are the most similar to each other or if there is another design in the scrolling list that looks more similar to the design at the top (Design A) than Design B. The design in the top of the pair always stays the same (Design A), but I need the bottom design (Design B ) to be randomly assigned out of the list of 19 other stimuli. Is there a way to do this without creating a block with each pair then using branch logic in the survey flow? I am trying to avoid creating 19 blocks for this one question. Thank you.
Hello @MauroUsabilitySci,

One of the way can be:

You can create a multi choice question with those 19 option and using option advanced randomization, select "Randomly insert 1 choices from the list below:". Also hide this question using JS (`jQuery("#"+this.questionId).hide()`) and using default choice option select all choices . Now you can use this question selected option pipe in at the place of stimuli B
> @Shashi said:

> Hello @MauroUsabilitySci,


> One of the way can be:


> You can create a multi choice question with those 19 option and using option advanced randomization, select "Randomly insert 1 choices from the list below:". Also hide this question using JS (`jQuery("#"+this.questionId).hide()`) and using default choice option select all choices . Now you can use this question selected option pipe in at the place of stimuli B

Thank you @Shashi. I am trying to implement your proposed solution, but I am having trouble hiding the question. Can you elaborate a bit further on using the JS to hide this question--my knowledge of JS is very novice. Thank you.
> Thank you @Shashi. I am trying to implement your proposed solution, but I am having trouble hiding the question. Can you elaborate a bit further on using the JS to hide this question--my knowledge of JS is very novice. Thank you.

Paste the code in the js(OnReady) of the question


Also, make sure this question is on different page from the actual stimuli question
> @Shashi said:

> Hello @MauroUsabilitySci,


> One of the way can be:


> You can create a multi choice question with those 19 option and using option advanced randomization, select "Randomly insert 1 choices from the list below:". Also hide this question using JS (`jQuery("#"+this.questionId).hide()`) and using default choice option select all choices . Now you can use this question selected option pipe in at the place of stimuli B

@Shashi. One thing I am now realizing is that I will need whichever stimuli is randomly paired with Design A at the top to NOT appear in the list of options in the scrolling list below the pair. Is there a way to coordinate hiding that same stimuli in the list so it is not duplicated?
> @Shashi. One thing I am now realizing is that I will need whichever stimuli is randomly paired with Design A at the top to NOT appear in the list of options in the scrolling list below the pair. Is there a way to coordinate hiding that same stimuli in the list so it is not duplicated?

You can add option display logic using the hidden question
Thank you @Shashi!

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