Randomisation that takes into account previous answer | XM Community
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I am creating a survey that draws from a pool of 36 scenarios that exist in a 6 x 6 matrix like this : 

      1.     2.     3.     4.     5.     6






The participants will see six scenarios and asked a set of standard questions for each. For each subsequent question I want to ensure that they don’t see any scenarios with related variables to the questions that have already taken place. 

eg : If Q1 is scenario B3 then Q2 can be any scenario other than scenarios in row B and column 3.

If Q2 is D1 then Q3 can be any scenario other than scenarios in rows B & D and columns 3 & 1 etc etc until they have seen six different scenarios. 

I’ve chatted to the Qualtrics team on the phone and apparently this ins’t practically possible with current randomisation features. Does anyone have any experience implementing a survey with this type of logic? Help much appreciated. Thanks in advance :) 

I think you can use external database like MySql and Qualtrics web service option to achieve the task. You will need create combinations externally and the pull those combination in embedded field using json in your Qualtrics tool and the apply the condition on your questions based on that.

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