Randomising questions within block, but randomising from multiple subsets | XM Community
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Is there anyway for qualtrics to display different questions at random within the same block, but instead of just choosing, say, 5 out of 10 at random it instead chooses 1 of 2, then 1 of 2, etc.
IE. A repeated measures design where each question displayed one of two conditions at random (conditions represented within the question answer text boxes) without the need for participants to repeatedly press the next button (which is necessary when using one block for just one question).
I have attached a picture to try and explain the point better,

You can easily accomplish this using JS.
However, for a builtin solution, I'm not sure how random this would be. But you could create create two embedded variables before the block. Lets say

. Assign their values to be randomly from 0-99. Then you could set display logic for A1 if show1>50 and A2 if show1<50, similarly for B1 and B2.

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